You should only disable this option if you are having HUD issues and received instructions from our support to disable it temporarily.

It also allows for reduced CPU use and smoother transitions in the HUD. In between those two extremes are many tools - some of which we consider to be too close to. Note, if you are running Windows 8 compatibility tab is most likely not available for PokerStarsUpdate.exe so alternate steps are: right-click, "Troubleshoot compatibility", click "Troubleshoot program", choose 3rd option "The program requires additional permissions, click next, click "Test program" (PokerStars should run), click next, click "Yes, save these settings for this program".Īuto Z-Order - Enabling this option helps to attach the HUD to the proper table if you are stacking tables. Please repeat steps 1-3 for PokerStarsUpdate.exe, holdemmanager.exe, hudfuncsapp.exe and all of the easyhook, blitz.dll files and the stars/stars inject files in C:\Program Files\Holdem Manager 2 (Program Files (x86) for the 64bit version) although holdemmanager.exe should already be set to run as admin by default. If this option is greyed out it is because the UAC is disabled and you are already running as admin so there is no need to change anything. Run as Admin Make sure your running Holdem Manager as an admin by following these instructions and make sure you give admin rights to these 2 files: C:Program Files (x86)PokerstarsPokerstars.exe and PokerstarsUpdate.exe English Hand Histories Make sure the poker client and hand histories are both in English. It builds on the popularity of its predecessor, Holdem Manager, while delivering new features and statistics that increase its value for online poker players.

Go to the Compatibility Tab and select “Run this program as an Administrator”. Holdem Manager 2 (HEM2) is the latest offering from the family of one of the most widely used pieces of poker software in the industry.
Hello Today i have something special, it is 100 working trial reset for Holdem Manager 2. Home Holdem Manager 2 Trial Reset Table Ninja 2 Trial Reset Pocker Tracker 4 Trial Reset Tag Archives: Holdem Manager 2 Post navigation.

Right click the PokerStars.exe and choose “Properties”. Posts about Holdem Manager 2 written by haterss. Go to C:\Program Files\PokerStars (Program Files (x86) for the 64bit version) Stars and HM2 both need to be set to run as admin for the stars hotkeys to work: